2008年5月26日 星期一

[演講摘要] 中東穆斯林性別角色的改變

(Changing gender roles among Muslims in the Middle East)

Forty years of experience in the Middle East, with fieldworks in Egypt, Oman, and Yemen, have provided me with an in-depth longitudinal perspective on gender among Muslims. Egypt, Oman and Yemen are distinctive societies with internal differences, also as regards gender .Yet it is possible to discern similarities among the populations in each of the localities.
In this talk I shall focus on the changes over time in gender roles in a poor urban quarter of Cairo, a town in Oman that has become prosperous since the 80s, and among poor rural women in Yemen. I shall explore the impact of changes in political regimes and the rise of fundamentalism, as well as of international migration and globalization. The picture that will emerge will be notably different from media stereotypes, and will provide an insight into such issues as women’s emancipation, participation in the labor market, education, use of Islamic dress, and socialization.

