2008年5月26日 星期一

[演講摘要] 憤怒之於認知和道德方面的錯誤:以歐洲的名譽殺害為例

憤怒之於認知和道德方面的錯誤: 以歐洲的名譽殺害為例
(Passions as Cognitive and Moral Mistakes: The Case of Honor Killings in Europe)

Honor-based violence has become of increasing concern to the authorities and the public in Europe, as forced marriages and honor killings have surfaced. Traditions that were not expected to be perpetuated or imported into Europe, and that undermine the human rights of many citizens, particularly girls, are found to be strong or even reinforced. Also international organizations like the United Nations, Amnesty, and many NGOs are now actively engaged in trying to combat violence in the name of honor.
In this lecture, I shall draw on my research over the past ten years on this problem. I shall explore in particular the murder of a Swedish-Kurdish girl by her father in 2002, a case that had a strong international impact. I shall use other cases from Scandinavia, England and Germany for comparative purposes.The concepts of honor and honor killings will be explored. What do we mean by honor? how does it link up with shame and dishonor? And does it make sense to use the concept honor killing - is it not a contradiction in terms?
Last, but not least, who are the people who commit "honor killings"? What part -- if any -- does religion play? What can be done, and how can anthropologists contribute, to try to help prevent such atrocities? Drawing on my own experience as public anthropologists, I shall provide some answers.

建立在以名譽為理由的暴力,在歐洲逐漸成為官方當局和公眾加強關注的事情。譬如強迫性婚姻和名譽殺害的問題開始浮現。「傳統」並不被期望是永久不變的,或是被移入歐洲,這些傳統被發現是強固的,甚至是被強化了,逐漸損害許多公民的人權問題,特別是女性。同樣地,國際組織,像是國際特赦組織(United Nations, Amnesty)和許多非政府組織(NGO)現在都正在積極的致力於反對以名譽為名的暴力行為。
在此篇演講當中,「名譽」和「名譽殺害」的兩個觀念將會被探討。究竟什麼是名譽?名譽如何連接到恥辱和不名譽?而使用「名譽殺害」這樣的觀念是否有意義?這是不是一個並非矛盾的名詞?最後,也是最重要的,哪些人是犯了「名譽殺害」的罪行?哪些部分可能會變成一種宗教操弄(religion play)?要如何去解決這個問題?人類學家如何去貢獻所學,去試圖幫助、避免殘酷的行為發生? 身為一個眾所皆知的人類學家,Wikan將以自身的研究經驗提供她的答案。
